Track your portfolio's performance and value at a glance.
Get real-time updates on profits and losses.
Quick view of recent transactions.
Portfolio Page:
Detailed breakdown of your token holdings.
Interactive real-time price charts.
Visualize historical performance data.
PNL Tracker:
Monitor ongoing trades and their live profits.
Close trades directly from the DApp.
Interactive profit and loss trend visualization.
Transactions Page:
Comprehensive history of all crypto transactions.
Filter and search for easy access.
Settings Page:
Download transaction and portfolio PDF reports.
Personalize alert settings for notifications.
Calendar View:
Visualize daily, weekly, and monthly profit and loss.
Identify trends and patterns over time.
Token Insights:
Detailed information about held tokens.
Market data and price trends.
Affiliate Marketing:
Earn rewards by referring new users.
Share your positive experiences and invite others.
Advertisement Integration:
Curated ads from trusted crypto projects.
Stay informed about the latest developments.
Wallet Tracking:
Connect wallet and track transactions.
Set alerts for specific activities.
Responsive Design:
User-friendly interface for desktop and mobile.
Token Utility:
Unlock advanced features with Trackify tokens
Secure and Private:
Prioritize your data security and privacy.
Revenue Sharing:
Participate in the platform's revenue sharing model.
Earn a portion of the generated revenue as a token holder.
Last updated