Trackify dApp
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The Dashboard Page serves as the central hub of Trackify, providing users with a comprehensive overview of their crypto portfolio. It displays key information such as the current portfolio value, overall profit/loss, and a summary of asset allocation. Users can also access important market insights, such as relevant news updates and upcoming events through the integrated calendar feature.
The Portfolio Page is where users can dive deeper into their crypto holdings and analyze the performance of individual assets. It provides real-time price charts for each asset, allowing users to monitor price movements and track the performance of their investments. Users can view historical price data, analyze trends, and apply technical analysis tools to gain valuable insights. The Portfolio Page enables users to make informed decisions based on real-time market information and optimize their investment strategies.
The PNL Tracker Page allows users to monitor the profitability of their trading activities in real-time. It displays live trades that are currently open, including the associated profits and losses. Users can track the performance of their trades and make informed decisions about when to close a position directly from the Trackify dApp. The PNL Tracker Page provides real-time insights into trading profitability, helping users manage their positions effectively and optimize their trading strategies.
The Transactions Page serves as a comprehensive transaction history log, providing users with a detailed record of their past trades and transfers. It includes information such as the date, time, asset, quantity, and price of each transaction. Users can view and analyze their transaction history, track the flow of funds, and gain insights into their trading patterns. Additionally, users have the option to download PDF reports of their transaction history directly from the Transactions Page.
The Settings Page offers users various customization options and additional features to enhance their Trackify experience. Users can manage account details, privacy settings, and notification preferences. In addition, the Settings Page allows users to generate PDF reports of their portfolio, including transaction history, performance summaries, and other relevant data. Users can download these PDF reports directly from the Settings Page for record-keeping, tax purposes, or sharing with their accountants.